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RFC: Moving libraries to /lib?

Hi *, 

I got a bug report on libldap2 which requests to move the libraries to 
/lib, as /usr can not be unmounted when using PAM/NSS and LDAP (#159771).

I don't think this is a good idea. 

1) even with libldap linked from /usr, it should be possible to remount 
   that filesystem ro which would not cause any data loss
2) with that explanation we would need to move every other library used
   in PAM modules to /lib as well (think libpam-mysql, libpam-pgsql, etc.)
3) AFAIK those PAM modules are only opened for a short time when 
   authenticating the user. Once the session is set up I don't expect 
   them to be in memory.

What do you think?


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