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Re: Someone please implement this...

Yenar Calentaure wrote:
> Santiago Vila wrote:
> > Every mail sent to *ANY* debian list whose sender is not in the
> > subscriber list for that list or in the global white list is delayed
> > by an hour or two in a queue.
> >
> > After that time, the message is checked against razor[*], and only
> > then it's forwarded to the list or to /dev/null accordingly.
> What about spamassassin? Kde mailing-lists use it and i get no spam from
> these.

The Debian lists already use spamassassin, but we still receive some
spam. The bad thing is that when we receive spam we receive the same
message in a lot of lists [ Sadly, I still have to merge all my debian
email into a single folder to be able to delete spam quickly without
visiting each list folder ].

If lists.debian.org used razor v2 in combination with a queue system
we would catch even more spam. The question is: Would the listmasters
be willing to do this if someone implement it?

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