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Someone please implement this...

Every mail sent to *ANY* debian list whose sender is not in the
subscriber list for that list or in the global white list is delayed
by an hour or two in a queue.

After that time, the message is checked against razor[*], and only
then it's forwarded to the list or to /dev/null accordingly.

Everybody may subscribe to the global white list. The only requisite
is having a valid email address (and perhaps agree to indemnify with
$1000 if they spam the lists).

[ Additionaly, on open lists, the queue may be visible in a web page and
  people may download individual messages in mbox format to submit them
  to razor, using their own identity and password. This way anybody could
  help to fight spam on debian lists ].

[*] version 2, please. There are already packages in unstable from the
new maintainer, and they should work under woody too, since they are
still Architecture: all.

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