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I gave myself a bit to calm down, and now I think people should have a
bit of clarification about my actions in this matter.

When someone (aj?) mentioned that the most effective thing to do was to
do SOMETHING, I decided that the only thing I could do at the time was
potentially reduce the load on keyring-maint by aggregating and
filtering requests. So I set out to do that. (So far I've received 3

I emailed James Troup to ask him what appropriate filtering measures
were necessary. This was Monday. When no reply was forthcoming after a
day, I send an email to Bdale asking him if there were alternate
communication methods. (James hasn't put any alternate contact info in
his db.debian.org record.) Bdale mentioned IRC. So I went on IRC to ask
James if he had received my message. That was all. A simple "haven't
gotten to it yet" (or something similar) as all I needed. As for the
allegation that he missed it because he wasn't at his keyboard -- I
would love to know how he managed to type at his keyboard and yet not be

In the process, I talked to a few people about possibly getting added to
keyring-maint. I also had a private discussion with someone (I don't
remember who) where I relayed my feelings that I was being ignored.
Apparently this got back to James somehow.

After James posted his large email attempting to placate the mob, I
noticed that one of the problems he alluded to was the lack of
infrastructure. So I began work on a keyring management system of the
type I mentioned in other email. That was yesterday. TODAY, 3 days after
I sent the original email, I get this lovely reply from James where he
(a) mentions killfiling me, (b) says I'm not helping, and (c) accuses me of
"going behind his back" in getting added to keyring-maint.

To put it lightly, I'm quite hurt. I tried my very best to be helpful in
the face of thundering silence, and all I get are accusations and what
amounts to a put-down. I'm afraid I have to say that I've lost all faith
in the current keyring maintainer. Someone who lets a job like this fall
this far behind quietly and then can't handle the stress that results
doesn't need to be in that job. That's how it looks to me right now.

Right now I'm debating what to do. I could withdraw completely from this
fight, but I feel that I've invested too much time in it to do so. I
could wait until James and whoever else there is involved sort it out --
but that's not really acceptable either, since I don't trust them.  I
could call a GR to remove James, but I think that's just inflammatory.
So I intend to keep going with my replacement infrastructure. Hopefully
the calmer and kinder minds will see things in a different light.

P.S. As for the keyring-maint alias, I'm not the one who mentioned
adding myself to it initially. Other people recommended that, and it
seemed reasonable. Since my original email to debian-admin never met
with a reply AT ALL, I tried to find out what was necessary to get
added. I don't consider keyring-maint to have anything private, and I am
frankly surprised that I'm meeting resistance in getting added to the
forwarding list.

Taral <taral@taral.net>
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