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Re: Mozilla 1.1beta?

> If I understood this right, then there are some common packages for
> Mozilla and the tools you mentioned. Why not create a new version
> of these common packages to be installed in parallel, to make a
> smooth migration possible?

That package is called mozilla-snapshot, and will be updated by the
mozilla maintainer when he has time to do so.
Last time he updated it was _before_ mozilla 1.1beta was released, i
think... so either just wait until he has time again, or grab the
mozilla 1.1beta and the mozilla-snapshot build scripts, and build your
own mozilla 1.1beta with this, then upload it to some web page, so
others can use it as well...


        erich@(mucl.de|debian.org)        --        GPG Key ID: 4B3A135C
             The best things in life are free: Friendship and Love.
      Jemanden zu lieben heißt glücklich zu sein, ihn glücklich zu sehen.
            "Wissen ist Macht" - wenn man das richtige daraus macht.

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