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Re: ascertaining reasons for woody package removal

Andreas Tille wrote:

On Thu, 25 Jul 2002, Scott Johnston wrote:

Is there a file somewhere that lists packaged removed from woody
along with reasons why?  I have failed to find this information by
web and mailing list searches of debian.org.  I never saw the ivtools
packages in any "Release-critical Bugreport", but they seem to
have disappeared (all but ivtools-doc) from the newly stable
You are not the only one who is wondering about that.  One reason might be
that those packages had RC bugs in the late April and so the did not made
their way into the frozen Woody at May 1st.  The situation could be even
worse if fixing the RC bug requires a name change of that package which
was the case for two packages maintained by myself.  This caused a longer
delay to integrate the fixed packeges and so they were removed more or
less silently because the BTS does not show bugs which are fixed a long
time ago (at least not by default).

In ivtools case the bug in question was probably # 143401, filed for mixviews on April 18th 2002, and reassigned to ivtools-dev the same day. But neither ivtools or mixviews showed up in the "Release-critical Bugreport" of April 19th or April 26th (or the "Work-needing packages report").

Can you point me to the post which suggested sending an e-mail to ajt-woody-sucks? I would like
to read it myself before offering feedback through that channel.

Scott Johnston

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