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Re: using debian IPs as release names? ;)

> >  auric   is "frepsesrema"  then. You can extract the IP from that.
> > 
> Hmm... Maybe you can, but I can't. How does it work?

Separate at the vocals. They're the mod-5 value:
a=0, e=1, i=2, o=3, u=4

b =  0 = 0*5
c =  5 = 1*5
d = 10 = 2*5
f = 15 = 3*5
g = 20 = 4*5
m = 45 = 9*5
fr = 205 = 41*5
ps = 245 = 49*5
sr = 225 = 45*5

ok, when coming to two-letter-codes it's no longer that easy to explain,
as one might disagree which two-letter-combinations are pronounceable...

I saw this used for the dialin hostnames of an ISP, that was quite funny
in IRC when people joined from "gritixera..." "gritixero..." ;)

So this is not to be taken seriously ;) but easy to get IPs rememberable. 


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