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Re: Christian Marillat, once again

On Sun, 2002-07-21 at 14:22, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:
> So now that testing has rolled over with the woody release, the Gnome
> 2 packages have made their way into it.

This is an open issue, which is likely going to be resolved in the
following way:

1) unstable will slowly be switched over to gnome 2 (in-place) as
   maintainers get their packages created.
2) Configuration migration will come into place before sarge releases,
   so people running gnome 1.4 (woody) will be able to run gnome 2
   (sarge) without too much trouble. Christian has already started
   down this path, and Ximian/Red Hat will also be doing work on this.

It's not possible to have gnome 1 and gnome 2 packages installed at the
same time: for example, gnome-terminal 2 is still called
`gnome-terminal.' This makes sense, because it is not a new package - it
is a new version. Therefore, gnome 2 packages, when rolled into
unstable, will be called their proper names.

For further information please consult debian-gtk-gnome.
Joe Drew <hoserhead@woot.net> <drew@debian.org>

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