Re: Bug#150514: Uer maodifications _must_ bre preserved, even is a co-admin said otherwise a few releases ago
>>"Anthony" == Anthony Towns <> writes:
Anthony> On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 04:18:42PM -0500, Steve Greenland wrote:
>> Wrong. Regardless of your opinion of other people's administration
>> procedures, if you overwrite a user modified file under /etc/ without
>> asking you are in violation of policy, and it is basically unacceptable.
Anthony> Is there some reason why this has to be discussed as "You
Anthony> are violating policy, therefore you are evil and
Anthony> irresponsible, and you must rectify your behaviour
Anthony> immediately", rather than "Your package behaves badly <in
Anthony> this situation>, and might be improved by something like
Anthony> <this>. What do you think?"
Because some people use that phrase as a short cut for "This
has been discused in the past, and after eons of debate, we came up
with best practices rules,and decided on characteristics of the
distribution that added value to our users, allowed better
integration, and otherwise has been through man many man hours of
discussion, design, and debate, and you had better come up with good,
solid, technical reasons to justify infractions, since lots of these
have already been seen, and dismisssed whiule we were debating this
the first or the second time around"
Except that we run out of breath.
Note that my writings (well, I was the one filing the bug,
so I feel like this may have been directed at me) have not been
brandishing the policy stick.
If I have not seen so far it is because I stood in giant's footsteps.
Manoj Srivastava <> <>
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