Re: woody bf2.4 install (3.0.23-2002-05-21)
On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 04:07:28PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 23, 2002 at 07:51:59PM -0700, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> > 2. tasksel choices (especially missing newbie entry and games
> > selected by traditional unix server) need fix.
> IMHO selecting traditional unix server is insanity :)
I agree. This wording will surely invtes clueless people to install
this. Come to think of it, having "bsdgame" is not as bad as having "finger".
> > * Selection of mirror. Some indication for RR-DNS and unique host may be
> > useful as menu entry.
> What?
Some host name are one actual host, some are round robin DNS. With RR,
sometimes file contents are different for tesing. It may not be issue
for stable.
Some indication of bandwidth or number of allowed connection may be
helpful in the future installer.
> > * Sparely "kernel link failure warning". But who remember complicated
> > scheme described here? It is better to have some central warning
> > archive so we can see it later.
> I've never seen this particular problem, and I've used kernel versions with
> which woody ships, so this warning needs to be thrown away. (At least for my
> architecture, i386.) Unfortunately it's a bit late for that :<
> > * Less: why stop, question and default=no. MIME=YES for normal user.
> IMHO this question has completely inflated priority, medium.
MIME no will be fine. Just not medium.
~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ +++++
Osamu Aoki @ Cupertino CA USA
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