woody bf2.4 install (3.0.23-2002-05-21)
Hi, here is my woody install report.
Conclusion: Not bad but some touch up will not harm.
Summary of issues:
1. This is as good as potato boot-floppies but not much better.
2. tasksel choices (especially missing newbie entry and games
selected by traditional unix server) need fix.
3. Some efforts to reduce messages are still desirable.
4. Central logging capabilities of warning messages are desirable.
5. Hardware configurations, especially network card configuration,
needs to be user friendly and more descriptive.
6. apt source.list is tricky for the current testers. It is
desirable to address this issue to get less noise for testing. No
major package conflict issues encountered which was reported
elsewhere. This is not the inherent issue of this boot-floppies.
Step-by-step reports:
* dd rescue.bin and root.bin (3.0.23-2002-05-21) from bf2.4
* boot P233-MMX with above. Nice penguin pic on top :)
* Select 'en' (Looks like now Japanese 16 bit codes are displayed too :)
* Chose US. (This looks like frame buffer console to me)
* ALT-F2 and in shell (fdisk as I wish) And back to ALT-F1
* swapon hda5 128 MB (can be bigger but heck)
* mkfs (hda1=ext3=/=100MB, hda6=ext3=/tmp=250MB,
hda7=ext3=/home=650MB, hda8=ext3=/var=650MB, hda9=ext3=/usr=3000MB)
* Install kernel (shoot, no network, make 4 driver-?.bin floppies)
* Configure modules (add 'net/tulip' for me, more description on drivers
needed. And why only tulip is not in just in 'net'?)
* Configure network (I am on fixed IP LAN., GW=
* Base system (HTTP, proxy=gateway, port=3128, squid on my GW)
*** Oops. eth0 was not connected to LAN. Yes, I had 2 Ethernet cards.
Selecting eth1 did not fix problem. I needed to do "ifconfig
eth0 down" manually after activating both eth0 and eth1
accidentally. eth1 was connected to LAN. When I bounced
back to network configuration, it will be nice if "ifconfig
eth0 down" can be done by menu.)
* Nice remote install, lovely.
* Make system bootable (I drop lilo into /dev/hda1 since it is robust
against DOS stupidity instead of supposedly secure /dev/hda. Anyway,
I get warned security of lilo. MBR install has too wordy, I never read
its content. )
* Make boot floppy. I do not understand why this is "should". Our
rescue disk should be enough. "should"->"may". Some info about
rescue disk used with root=/dev/hda1 may be more useful. Who remember
where we put boot floppies :)
===== REBOOT ====
* Information on /usr/sbin/base-config is nice :)
* Nice to see hardware clock is GMT as default. Kinder explanation for
dual-boot may be good for WINDOZE user but not critical.
* Enable MD5 password instead. (Why not as default? More help info?)
* Set up apt source list. Why "non-US" is asked here. It is meaningless
to talk about US law under current crypt-in-main archive.
* Selection of mirror. Some indication for RR-DNS and unique host may be
useful as menu entry.
*** Oops. Reading from stable archive. Move to console by ALT-F2:
# cd /etc/apt
# mv sources.list sources.list.org
# sed s/stable/testing/ <sources.list.org >sources.list
# dselect update
.... fetch package list
Back to installer: ALT-F1
* Add security and fetch package list (from stable but OK for now.)
* run tasksel: Selected only "C and C++"
No more "newbie" which was nice to install "mc" and man pages.
Why conventional unix server has "mtr", "nethack" and "bsdgames".
I wonder was whether there were good coordinated efforts.
* run dselect:
Add "mc" and recommends. (leave suggests so "gpm" is not installed.)
Add "vim" and "e..-ctag" and purge "nvi"
* Sparely "kernel link failure warning". But who remember complicated
scheme described here? It is better to have some central warning
archive so we can see it later.
* Less: why stop, question and default=no. MIME=YES for normal user.
* Locales: One with @euro? How important? Who knows what it means
to be ISO???? code as a user?
* statd: prompt for tcpwrapper configuration is better left at some
place else (like mail to admin user. or some fixed location shared
with "kernel link failure warning".) Why stop here?
* ssh v2 only. OK but why stop here.
* ssh: SUID root. OK but why stop. e-mail to admin user is suffice.
* cvs: pserver disabled. Why ask?
Many question seems un-necessary. If all daemon are default disabled,
question may be less. Just point us to "dpkg-reconfigure". (SSH may be
exception since it may be needed during upgrade.) Some central log of
installation warnings are more useful than verbose messages on the
* Install time questions still exist:
ispell (I selected american)
exim (I selected 2. 4 should be default with warning message
delivered. Too many stops as usual for Debian system.)
I realized locales are all "POSIX" not "C" as I expected. I did nothing
during this install which install-message suggested to yield in "C".
~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ +++++
Osamu Aoki @ Cupertino CA USA
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