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Re: Proposal for new Security subsection for non-US

Peter Cordes@lists.debian-devel@Sun, 23 Jun 2002 13:25:56 -0300:
>  rsync for the Packages file would make apt-get update a _lot_
>  faster.
Try apt-proxy, it rsyncs the non-gzipped Packages file and then gzips it

Just that it's quite buggy sometimes. :-/

+-------- .''`.     - -- ---+  +         - -- --- ---- ----- ------+
| lintux : :'  :  lintux.cx |  |       Today's random quote:       |
|   at   `. `~'  debian.org |  | rsync for con rename an the rund  |
+--- -- -  ` ---------------+  +------ ----- ---- --- -- -         +

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