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Re: Bug#150551: ITP: wmcoincoin -- Stupid dockapp for browsing DaCode sites news and board

Benjamin Drieu <benj@debian.org> writes:

> Julien BLACHE <jblache@debian.org> writes:
>> DaCode doesn't seem to be very used (compared to PHP/PostNuke for
>> instance), maybe packaging it would be more useful :)
> Although phpnuke is more widely used, daCode is also used by dozens of
> sites.  dacode.org reports about sixty sites running daCode, but I
> suspect we are not aware of a lot more.
> I did the ITP for daCode a month ago or so.  My preliminary package is
> to be finished very soon, stay tuned. :-)
> Speaking of wmcoincoin, although every free software should have a
> place in Debian, I do agree that this piece of software is merely a
> private joke.  But if Josselin have time enough to package and
> maintain it, why not including this to Debian ?  We should not decide
> what it useful and what is useless, as long as there are debian
> developers motivated to maintain their packages, the have to be in
> Debian.

Well... and then Woody+5 will need 100 CD....

I can't judge on the interest of the wmcoincoin dockapp, but I really
believe that we shouldn't put too many things into debian. But I agree
that it is the developers that will make the final decision

Rémi Vanicat

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