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How to package Mozilla themes?

I am trying to create a local Debian package of the Mozilla Pinball theme.  
This consists only of the pinball.jar file, which the package puts into 
/usr/lib/mozilla/chrome, and the file 99pinball, which goes into 
/var/lib/mozilla/chrome.d .  Contents of 99pinball are as follows:


I put "/usr/sbin/update-mozilla-chrome" into my postinst and postrm 
scripts, and have the package depend upon 
"mozilla-browser (>= 2:0.9.9), mozilla-browser (<< 2:1.0)"
since this is the version of pinball for Mozilla 0.9.9.

The problem is that Mozilla remains blissfully unaware of the new theme
once the package is installed.  Doing "grep -ir pinball /usr/lib/mozilla",
I find that after installing mozilla-pinball, it is mentioned only in
/usr/lib/mozilla/chrome/installed-chrome.txt .
I suspect it must also be listed in /var/lib/mozilla/chrome/chrome.rdf, 
which it is not.

What else do I need to do so this package will update Mozilla's themes 
correctly?  I have no problems installing the theme into my ~/.mozilla 
directory as a normal user, but I want everyone on the system to have 
access to it.

Thanks in advance,

Kevin McCarty                Physics Department
kmccarty@princeton.edu       Princeton University
www.princeton.edu/~kmccarty  Princeton, NJ 08544

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