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Re: possible mass-filing of bugs, continued, script refined: list of packages that apparently have disparity between package name and shared lib soname

Stephen Zander <gibreel@debian.org> immo vero scripsit:

Junichi> If you think that policy is the only document you have to
Junichi> follow, you are mistaken.
> Excuse me?  Other than the DFSG & the constitution, name one!

You've already named two.

I'm not just beating random drums, I'm fixing problems.
I'm automating process of checking for sonames,
and to enable that check, there are packages which are not 
compliant which break the rule.

And I understand you are one of those who do not fully
understand why I'm doing it, you may want to read libpkg-guide
from start to end, and understand what it says.

You may make comments after reading it, not before.


dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
GPG Fingerprint : 17D6 120E 4455 1832 9423  7447 3059 BF92 CD37 56F4
Libpkg-guide: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/

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