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Re: Bugs being closed faster than filed: Re: Wishlist for woody+1

On Tue, 28 May 2002, Anthony Towns wrote:

> The cyan line is described as "just opened bugs", and the it's the
> green and cyan lines that flatline, so the cyan is the derivative of
> the green line.

Yeah, I misspoke.

> > The flat line that appears on the right is due to the 28 day lag for archived
> > bugs.
> ...which would appear to indicate that it's the green/cyan lines that
> represents archived bugs, contradicting the descriptions.
> Oddly the graphs appear to go well into June 2002, too.

This is because I shift the 'archived bug' data by 28 days.  I'm not entirely
certain this is correct to do.

However, even ignoring that, the rate of growth of the graphs still show them

> > As you can see, the number of bugs being archived is growing faster than the
> > number of bugs being filed.  This is very good news.
> I don't think your graphs make enough sense to try drawing conclusions
> from them, yet.

So what else could you conclude?  The total number of bugs(green) is very easy
to validate.  So is the number of archived bugs(red).  Both can be verified by
using find|wc.

I do no categorization, outside of active/archived.  Both directly correlate
to /org/bugs.debian.org/spool/{db-h,archive}, respectively.

The algorithm I used is:

* load all bugs, active and archived:
* as each bug is loaded, do a date -= date % 86400, to round all dates down to
  the current day.
* Additionally, for the modtime of .log, add 28 days.
* sort this list twice:
  * by last modified time of .log
  * by the open date, as recorded in .status.
* step thru the .log list, by day.
* For each stopping point, find the same point in the open sort
* add the current pointers to a stats list.  Also, add the delta from the last
* save the last 366 items, and send thru gnuplot.

Please see master/~doogie/debbugs/graph-stats.pl, which saves data to
graph-stats.out, and the gnuplot 'program' in graphit.

> Additionally, that conclusion would be in direct contradiction to what you'd
> naturally conclude from
> 	http://bugs.debian.org/~ajt/graph.png
> which is that since the number of bugs is increasing, more are being
> filed than closed, although the difference is fairly marginal.

No, because you are excluding bugs.

My graph includes closed, but not archived bugs.  A closed bug is still
active, as it can be kept going, and still reopened, until the magic 28 day
marker passes.

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