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Re: lightning quick woody+1 release scenarios (was Re: Wishlist for woody+1)

Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> | 4. Gather a team of 20 to 40 determined people and crank through
> |    debian-installer or PGI; get it ready for release. This will take at
> |    least a couple of months, during which time the rest goes as in 3.
> |    Release after maybe 4 or 5 months.
> Do we have the required people?  Are people that interested?  And,
> will I be able to coordinate that many people?  I fear that we'll end
> up with an anthill and people running all over each other's code.  d-i
> is modular, but one still needs to understand how things are put
> together, else we'll end up with very strange installation system.

I suspect that we could easily come up with at least 20 well-defined
tasks right now that involve exsiting packages in d-i and assign 20
volenteers to them. Don't you think?

see shy jo

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