Re: Clarification of WineX packaging request
Gavriel State <> writes:
> We have merely asked (politely, I think) that you not do so, out of
> concern for our ability to continue financing our ongoing
> development efforts, as well as to avoid confusion with our full
> download release which includes support for copy protection, and
> binary DLLs which we have the right to redistribute, but not to
> sublicense.
But Debian is opposed to things like copy protection, DLLs that can't
be redistributed, and, well, your decision to hoard software.
> If Debian goes ahead and packages WineX despite our request, we will
> have to evaluate how that is affecting our financial situation, and
> determine whether we should change our license to restrict any
> future binary-packaged redistribution, regardless of commercial or
> non-commercial intent. It would certainly be our preference not to
> have to do so.
Surely sounds to me like you want to pretend to allow distribution
without actually doing so.
Does Sourceforge know that your distribution terms are a scam?
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