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Re: where do NEW packages go?

On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 02:54:35PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
> On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 02:56:15AM +0200, Damien Genet wrote:
> > > When I install Debian(be it Linux/alpha, Linux/s390, FreeBSD/arm), I want to
> > > know it functions like Debian, with all of it's filesystem layouts and
> > > interface programs.
> > > 
> > > If Debian Linux/alpha, Debian FreeBSD/arm, and Debian hurd-i386 are all
> > > different, then what is the point of Debian?
> > 
> > i'm sorry, but that's just stupid
> > they are all different, and all have specificities
> > you are also amalgaming ports and os
> > 
> > what a user installing a Debian GNU/linux, Debian GNU/Hurd,or  Debian
> > *BSD, want to see is not only a Debian distribution, (ie: common tools
> > to administate it, common policy on where the files belongs)
> > but he also want to use a different os, (or what would be the interrest
> > to have different os then...),
> No. The operating system in general is still Debian, whereas the kernel, the
> C library, or whatever else, is different.

It's that everybody I know has another definition of operating
system. Pointless discussion unless people give their defintion of
operating system. Then you can start a discussion about what the
ultimate definition for everybody is, but that doesn't exist, so
that's pointless too. The only thing I wanted to make clear is that
GNU/Hurd is very different from GNU/Linux and we should treat is as
something different.
> > and they are some specificities that can't be avoided
> I don't see how could he have been talking about the differences that can't

Practically impossible. If you want to turn GNU/Linux in something
which can run Hurd servers, your pretty close to a GNU/Hurd system
with a Linux microkernel. No point in discussion whether this is
pratical or not here, I suggest you go to some Linux mailinglist if
you want to run Hurd servers on Linux. :P

Jeroen Dekkers
Jabber ID: jdekkers@jabber.org  IRC ID: jeroen@openprojects
GNU supporter - http://www.gnu.org

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