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Re: ITA: most of my packages

#include <hallo.h>
Jérôme Marant wrote on Fri May 03, 2002 um 01:11:57PM:

> > General rules: The one who comes first gets the package. I wanna keep
> > the right to NMU if I discover any problems in them later.
>   How can this be possible? If you give them away, then you don't
>   have any right upon them any more. One other solution would be
>   to find backup maintainers (unless you really don't want to
>   maintain them any more) 

And to be honest, I am afraid that some people would pick the most
popular packages just because of their ego, and then let the packages
for weeks unmaintained, eg. as cdrtools and aumix maintainers did before

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