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Re: inappropriate racist and other offensive material

> If there is a strong correlation between jokes and hate crimes why isn't
> the blonde community living in fear of daily pogroms?

Because there aren't so many people out there who fundamentally hate blondes. 
> Nobody likes jokes about their own kind.

I laugh at (most) Australian jokes and maths geek jokes.  But too often your 
typical gay joke hides (and perpetuates) a very real animosity.

> All in all being able to
> laugh at other peoples' expense is worth a little discomfort.

Please, don't get me started.  In 13 states of the USA even consentual sex in 
private between two men is illegal.  Last year a kid in Kansas was sentenced 
to 17 years' prison for having sex with another kid about 3 years younger.  
Had he been heterosexual it would have been under two years' sentence.  As it 
is he'll be in till he's 30.

But sure, sprinkle salt in the wound so you can get your jollies.  Whatever.

> most gays and other "oppressed" people feel the same way.

Aah, the myth of oppression.  For crying out loud, open your eyes.


PS: I'm not going to reply again on debian-devel because this whole thread is 
rather stale.  But I'll happily argue this in private if you like.


Ben Burton
benb@acm.org  |  bab@debian.org
Public Key: finger bab@debian.org

When I started watching my behavior and seeing how I would control
people, and how they would control me, it was awareness. I want awareness
more than anything, and part of awareness is being able to honor the part
of you that's Lady Macbeth.
	- Tori Amos

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