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Re: inappropriate racist and other offensive material

> > > You wouldn't be suggesting that opposing opinions should be expressed,
> > > would you?
> Errm, 'scuse my poor English but... what's that in plain language?
> "Are you suggesting that opposing opinions should be expressed"?
> Meaning, TRB believes they shouldn't be expressed? And those that
> get expressed should be suppressed? And those expressing them --
> oppressed? My brane hurtz!

  Urm, okay, I deserved that one. I should have been a bit more careful to 
avoid omitting key parts of the sentence I was writting. :-\ Please replace 
"should" with "shouldn't" (s/should/shouldn't/g). Sorry.

> > Of course not.  I'll defend to death your right to espouse what I
> > consider erroenous or misguided beliefs.  Will you do the same for me?
> Parse error in /dev/brane, core dump[#$[+++ NO CARRIER

  Hehehehe. I caused a brain core dump by forgetting a word, and then having 
someone else respond as if I hadn't. This is sorta cool, I never knew brains 
core dumped so gracefully before. Time to get out the 'ol brain debugger.


Timothy R. Butler                    tbutler@uninetsolutions.com 
Universal  Networks                       http://www.uninet.info        
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