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Re: inappropriate racist and other offensive material

On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 03:46:40PM -0600, Timothy R. Butler wrote:
>   Just curious, but why do we have to drag Creationism into this, and further 
> more, try to make all creationists look like backwards folks from six 
> centuries ago? 

What, don't I get to have some fun in this thread, too?  Does being a
DPL candidate mean you have to give up your sense of humor?  Darn.  Oh
well, if so maybe you're better qualified to run than I am.  ;-)

> Since this conversation clearly has nothing to do with creationism, is
> there a benefit in insulting people who disagree with you? 

What's insulting about it?  I'm a big fan of irrationalism.  I'd read
Nietzsche in the original if I were fluent in German.

> You wouldn't be suggesting that opposing opinions should be expressed, would 
> you?

Of course not.  I'll defend to death your right to espouse what I
consider erroenous or misguided beliefs.  Will you do the same for me?

G. Branden Robinson                |
Debian GNU/Linux                   |           //     // //  /     /
branden@debian.org                 |           EI 'AANIIGOO 'AHOOT'E
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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