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Re: CVS priority standard?

On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 08:12:21AM -0600, Steve Greenland wrote:
> I use both: CVS is great for managing directories of stuff, but pretty
> much impossible for dealing with individual independent files.

It's true that CVS's dependence upon a heirarchical directory structure
a bit more involved than RCS's more simplistic view of individual files,
but it's not impossible to use.  Independent files can easily be lumped
into a "misc" module and added as needed.  We use cfengine[1] to
distribute files to hosts from a cvs working directory, but a "make
install" target would work just as well.

For things such as my BASH RC scripts, I create a .bash directory and
symbolically link the ~/.bashrc to ~/.bash/bashrc.  For miscellaneous
~/bin scripts, I just back up the ~/bin directory as a whole, ignoring
files I don't want to control.  The scripts aren't necessarily related,
just located in the same spot.  This all goes under the module 'chewie',
of course. ;-)

I'm not downplaying RCS's usefulness, just refuting the idea that CVS is
"impossible" to use for individual, unrelated files.  If RCS works in a
pinch, use it.  Just because it's old doesn't mean it's bad. ;-)

1. http://packages.debian.org/cfengine

Chad Walstrom <chewie@wookimus.net>                 | a.k.a. ^chewie
http://www.wookimus.net/                            | s.k.a. gunnarr
Get my public key, ICQ#, etc. $(mailx -s 'get info' chewie@wookimus.net)

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