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Re: [RFC] Debian skin for AIX

Jor-el <jorel@trillian.megadodo.umb> cum veritate scripsit:

> 	Thanks to Tony and Colin I do get the point about PERL. But PERL
> was a particularly bad example I chose to demonstrate an issue. Lets try
> it with another type of dependancy : every AIX system by default comes
> installed with sendmail. Packages that need a mail server should recognize
> by reading the ODM that there is a mail server installed. How are the
> other debian ports to other OS's handling this type of an issue?

Usually, nothing other than the kernel will remain, on 
the debian ports.

However, as already suggested, we have "equivs" for your task.

Create a package called "sendmail" with nothing in it, 
just to satisfy the dependency.


dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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