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Bug fixes NOT getting from unstable into Woody...

Dear all,

There appears to be some procedural problems with bug fixes for some really annoying and stupid bugs not getting from unstable into woody.  What has finally broken the straw for me is the fact that the off by one fix for ssh is not yet in woody.

The packages and bugs I have found wanting are:

libapache-mod-ssl   - mod-ssl-makecert script does not work in woody.
kernel-package   - the version in woody fails to build things under certain conditions
apache - apache-doc needs MultiViews turned on for the /usr/share/doc tree
ssh - fix for off by one not yet in woody.

I know that there has to be a waiting period before things getting into woody, but what we are talking about here are just minor fixes and one liners.  They should aalmost immediately go in. If woody is released like this, Debian's reputation will definitely suffer.  Are maintainers taking care of their stuff in testing? They are just closing the bugs once their fix is in unstable, and the issues appear to be going unresolved in woody.

Could someone please do something about this if they are not keeping up with updating woody, like asking for help, or if it is a policy matter, the policy needs looking at.

Best Regards,

Matthew Grant
Matthew Grant	     /\	 ^/\^	grantma@anathoth.gen.nz      /~~~~\
A Linux Network Guy /~~\^/~~\_/~~~~~\_______/~~~~~~~~~~\____/******\

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