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Re: WTF is with dhcp?

Hi Josip,

On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 11:19:53AM +0100, Josip Rodin wrote:

> Why in the heaven's name hasn't anyone told you about the existence of
> project/experimental?

Uhhmmm... actually, I have been uploading to project/experimental all
this time, since ... (/me is checking the changelog) Dec. 27, 1999:

dhcp (3.0b1pl12-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * I finally found some time to package the latest development version
    of the ISC DHCP package, which promises lots of new cool features.
    I don't plan to upload this to Potato as dhcp-beta, dhcp-client-beta,
    etc. packages because I don't like the mess this creates. Instead,
    I'll upload this to project/experimental and when 3.0 final hits the
    streets I'll just upload to unstable.
  * There's no CHANGES file in the 3.0 sources - made the appropriate change
    to debian/rules.

 -- Eloy A. Paris <peloy@debian.org>  Mon, 27 Dec 1999 00:32:29 -0500

It's just that people do not check project/experimental, and I don't
blame them :-)



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