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Re: another reason why requiring NMs to be sponsored is a bad idea

Britton <fsblk@aurora.uaf.edu> writes:

Does we require NM's to be sponsored for a while before letting them
be full developers. That is new to me.

Sponsorship is the fast lane trough the technical skill check and to
experienced developer. The primary problem for people that can't get
sponsors is that the can't parallelize the process of becoming
developer and getting experienced as well as sponsored people.

Don't break a good system just because not every ones gains from it.

> Sponsorship doesn't buy any more trust in developers than the old signing
> scheme.

Thrust has neven been a goal of the sponsorship program as I have seen

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og svarer lidt undskyldende: "Nej, jeg bruger RedHat".
                                -- Allan Olesen på dk.edb.system.unix

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