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development packages for shared library, and their dependencies.


I've been checking how shared libraries are being packaged in Debian,
and how "-dev" files are being currently treated, and I noticed that
many -dev packages have a very small dependency.

However, my understanding is that all "-dev" packages should depend on
other "-dev" packages which is required for the "-dev" package to 

In fact, if it was done properly with qt2 and libpng situation, 
it should have been causing a "cannot satisfy build-depends" 
situation instead of creating binaries which somehow were broken.

The policy is not quite verbose about this currently, but 
this needs to be fixed. I believe.

There are about 500 development library packages,
and many of them have a Depends: line containing only one entry,
although the runtime library package lists a very very long dependency


dancer@debian.org  http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer

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