Temporary(?) orphaning of netsaint and my other packagen
Hi all,
I've had to take a job where they are a lot less sympathetic to me
working on Open Source projects. I am hoping that things will improve
in a few months but for the time being it is unlikely I will be able
to do much work on my packages.
Therefore if anyone wishes to consider netsaint*, toppler or anything
else I have up for adoption they can claim it.
I won't officially orphan them before woody happens as I may be able
to find time to get them pushed and into the new stable, but any NMUs or
other forms of help would be gratefully received. I'll even do my best to
respond to emails looking for help and explanations of bizarre things
I may have done :)
Hoping to be back in the land of the Free soon...
+-----Ben Bell - "A song, a perl script and the occasional silly sig.-----+
/// email: bjb@deus.net www: http://www.deus.net/~bjb/
bjb Don't try to drive me crazy...
\_/ ...I'm close enough to walk.
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