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Re: Frontdesk and a _criticism_ about DAM approval step

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Hi Dale and all volunteers who are related to new maintainer process,

On Friday 03 August 2001 05:02 pm, Dale Scheetz wrote:
> Well, you totally ignored the second sentance:
> 'This is "the contact of last resort" when other committee contacts fail
> to respond.'

I had interpreted that by comittee the group of AMs were denoted, as the 
previous sentence implied. I hope it does not matter any more which 
interpretation of the definition I have taken to be true.

> So, when your AM could not help and the DAM did not respond, your next
> step should have been to contact me, which you have done, but only after
> pushing mail into everyone else's mailbox.

I merely followed the advice other people gave me, and when everything else 
failed I emailed debian-devel. I would like to humbly remind you that I have 
emailed the new maintainer discussion list previously, to no avail as Alan 
Shutko pointed out. [*] I believe I have made public inquiries on this matter 
for more than once.

> By not following the process you have wasted not only a bunch of your own
> time, but that of other developers as well.

Please don't worry about my time as I prefer such waste to waiting and 
wondering for several months. As for wasting other developers' time : I 
believe this situation is important and general enough to be discussed on 
debian-devel, and I have correctly indicated in the subject that the post is 
related to [Debian Account]. What is more, I believe that replies to my post 
have clarified my concerns much better than I possibly could, especially 
points raised by Sam Couter demand serious attention.

Thank you for handling this situation officially. I am relieved to a great 

> I'm currently looking into the situation and will report back to you once
> I know more than I do now. But, I must say that you haven't given anyone
> much incentive to help. You clearly believe that you are "doing things
> correctly", but your self-righteous attitude makes your position hard to
> empathize with.

I almost grew paranoid as I investigated the matter and nobody claimed to 
know anything. I do believe that I have done a lot of correct things 
regarding work, and I would like that my application is regarded objectively 
which does not seem to be the case at the moment.

I only put in words my concerns and my criticisms about the last step of the 
NM process which is not supposed to be the most arduous and demanding of all 
the steps involved.

Just because I have been involved in a flamewar (or two) in the distant past 
should not cause these circumstances. What I don't really understand is that 
the so-called flamewar about DAM approval which was mentioned in DWN[+] was 
not my fault; it was all due to over-reaction of some developers and people 
in new-maintainer queue. I had only expressed my situation in a mild 
language.[?] And even if I had made a strong statement, should not I have the 
right to investigate and criticise as I do now? [/]

The criticism I raise in section 3 of the mail I sent to frontdesk are still 
valid. I would be delighted to see an open and sound discussion on the flaws 
of DAM approval step.

I took this situation seriously, because this waiting step affects my 
contributions negatively. And may I remind you that I have been waiting for 
more than 7 months, and I have not received any information about the DAM 
step in which I was stuck? With all due respect, this situation is spotted 
easily on the nm.debian.org[!] database, and I would expect that during all 
these months someone in charge would notice my entry.

I only request an open, fair, and objective evaluation of my application, and 
I believe that you will resolve the situation in the most excellent manner.


[*] Alan's message: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0108/msg00047.html
my message on newmaint-discuss: 

[+] http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2001/3/: This is not indexed on WWW for 
some reason, all issues prior to 29 March seem to be missing from the web 

[?] http://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors-0101/msg00104.html

[/] And if I have indeed been inappropriate in my manners, I am mature enough 
to apologize and to compensate for what I have done. My manner was 
appropriate in my post about the 'perceived slowness of DAM approval'. I may 
have, many many months ago, quarrelled with certain people, but it seems that 
discussions are part of debian and everybody gets involved in such nasty 
exchanges even if they do not wish to. I certainly respect other fellow 
developers, and I take extreme caution in avoiding such exchanges. With my 
work and my manners I have emphasized my intention to contribute to debian 

[!] Applicant Login: erayo@cs.bilkent.edu.tr 

- -- 
Eray Ozkural (exa) <erayo@cs.bilkent.edu.tr>
Comp. Sci. Dept., Bilkent University, Ankara
www: http://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~erayo
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