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Re: OFF-TOPIC New 'testing' codename

Pablo Lorenzzoni wrote:

> No broken feelings, please. I'd just liked to see
> what the others are thinking about the subject.

Since Sid, who I believe is _not_ a toy, got
appointed, I submit ALL characters, and possibly
some props, are candidates.  I suggest this be
done is an organized fashion:

1)  A volunteer prepares and submits a draft
    list of all Toy Story characters, including
    brief descriptions of them and what release,
    if any, they are associated with.  Perhaps
    Pixar could be helpful in this task.
2)  The developers comment on any omissions or
    fresh ideas until there is a consensus that
    the list is complete.
3)  Promote the list to the level of Debian Policy.
4)  Put name discussion in its own list.  :-)

I kinda like Sid producing Spike or whatever the
dog was named.  We could honor Andy or the
sisters, Moms, etc.  There's the alien character.
Combat Carl (rest in pieces)?

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