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LSB bastards

But... what kind of fascists are these LSB people?

They have absolutely no rights to claim we should provide a way to install rpm's in debian.

I'd like to know what "economical" issues made LSB to this decision. To start, in
http://www.linuxbase.org/aboutmore.html I can only identify two current members and
they're both RPM-based. Perhaps they're sold to the big dollars RPM provides.

Yet we believe dpkg is technically superior to RPM, that's why we're not going to replace it.

But if we fail to fight this oppression, we're on the very first step to completely redhatize our distro.
Providing a way to transparently install any RPM is becoming fully RPM compliant,
If we do, then we'll have to adapt the whole directory structure NOT only to LSB,
but also to Red Hat. And that, sirs, has already a name: fascism.

In my opinion, we should not only refuse to comply to this statement but also proclaim that,
since what has happened, we're not going to adhere to LSB anymore. It's not a POSIX standard anyway.


Robert Millan                Debian GNU user
zeratul2 wanadoo es    http://getyouriso.org/

Robert Millan                Debian GNU user
zeratul2 wanadoo es    http://getyouriso.org/

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