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Re: LSB bastards

To quote Robert Millan <zeratul2@wanadoo.es>,
> But... what kind of fascists are these LSB people?
> They have absolutely no rights to claim we should provide a way to
install rpm's in debian.

Of course. They should instead claim the right the make everyone provide
a way to install .debs. Of course.

> I'd like to know what "economical" issues made LSB to this decision.
To start, in
> http://www.linuxbase.org/aboutmore.html I can only identify two
current members and
> they're both RPM-based. Perhaps they're sold to the big dollars RPM

Please, before slandering people in public, get to know them a bit
better. I myself have accidentally done it in the past(accidentally),
and I felt shitty.

> Yet we believe dpkg is technically superior to RPM, that's why we're
not going to replace it.

That is correct. Where's the problem again?
> But if we fail to fight this oppression, we're on the very first step
to completely redhatize our distro.

Oooh, there's the problem. This is oppresion, right? I see. These people
want to provide software vendors with a target to aim at. Horrible
people, they are. They should be tarred and feathered, at which point
they shall be stoned unto death, or until they cannot move for lack of

Honestly, why do you think this means that Debian must now switch
everything over to this LSB format? That's the only way this would
"redhatize" Debian. And even then, LSB leaves enough room to manuever
that Debian would still be Debian. But that doesn't matter. All the LSB
cares about, when a distribution calls itself "LSB-compliant" is that
the distribution can install LSB-compliant packages. Does that mean
everything in Debian needs to switch to the new format? Of course not.
Why would anyone think that? Red Hat sure as hell isn't going to give up
all the features of RPM they've written. And the current LSB package
format is a cut-down RPM format.

> Providing a way to transparently install any RPM is becoming fully RPM
> If we do, then we'll have to adapt the whole directory structure NOT
only to LSB,
> but also to Red Hat. And that, sirs, has already a name: fascism.

Uhh... Again, what's the problem with being able to handle these
packages? Have you *READ* the documents? Jessus, the LSB incorporates
the FHS. So "the whole directory structure" is *already* adopted. And we
can already near-transparently install RPM packages. It's called alien.
'apt-get install alien'.

> In my opinion, we should not only refuse to comply to this statement
but also proclaim that,
> since what has happened, we're not going to adhere to LSB anymore.
It's not a POSIX standard anyway.

Fine, then don't help with the coding effort. You must be a troll. No
other way to explain it.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
           Don't panic.

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