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Problems with testing


I'm using the following /etc/apt/sources.list lines:

deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ woody main non-free contrib
deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US woody non-US/main non-US/contrib non-US/non-free

to get woody (testing).  This works for some packages, but I'm really
bothered by the dselect output of:

  Obsolete and local packages present on system 
   Obsolete/local Required packages 
    Obsolete/local Required packages in section base 
 *** Req base     perl-5.6-bas 5.6.0-6     <none>
   Obsolete/local Important packages 
    Obsolete/local Important packages in section interpreters 
 *** Imp interpre perl-5.6     5.6.0-6     <none>
    Obsolete/local Important packages in section libs 
 *** Imp libs     libldap2     2.0.7-1     <none>
   Obsolete/local Standard packages 
    Obsolete/local Standard packages in section admin 
 *** Std admin    libnss-db    2.2-1       <none>
    Obsolete/local Standard packages in section interpreters 
 *** Std interpre perl-5.6-sui 5.6.0-6     <none>
    Obsolete/local Standard packages in section net 
 *** Std net      mtr-tiny     0.42-5      <none>
    Obsolete/local Standard packages in section non-US 
 *** Std non-US   ssh          2.2.0p1-1.1 <none>
   Obsolete/local Optional packages 
    Obsolete/local Optional packages in section admin 
 *** Opt admin    apm-sleep    0.3         <none>
 *** Opt admin    dconfig      0.1-4       <none>
 *** Opt admin    fancylogin   0.99.6-7    <none>
 *** Opt admin    gtkrecover   0.2-3       <none>
 *** Opt admin    webmin       0.82-2      <none>
    Obsolete/local Optional packages in section devel 
 *** Opt devel    guavac       1.2-2       <none>
 *** Opt devel    insight      5.0-1       <none>
 *** Opt devel    libedba1-dev 1.0.2-1     <none>
 *** Opt devel    libgimp1.1-d 1.1.29-1    <none>
 *** Opt devel    libgnomeprin 0.25-0.1    <none>
 *** Opt devel    libgtkextra- 0.99.12-2   <none>
 *** Opt devel    libimlib2-de 1.0.0-2     <none>

At first I thought I have to wait for packages like perl-5.6-base and
perl-5.6 until they make their way through unstable and this packages
might have critical bugs.  For some time I left the box as is and now
I wonder if really so many packages are missing from testing now or
if something is wrong with my setup.

Moreover I have heard that packages pools enable using certain packages of
woody/sid under potato.  Perhaps I missed the description how to do this
because I did not closely follow the trafic on debian-devel last time.
Could somebody help me out with a link to the doc how to do that.
(In fact I'd like to use the zope and related packages from woody for
sparc architecture.)

Kind regards


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