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Re: pre-dependency for fetchmail, fetchmail-ssl

Richard Braakman wrote:

On Sun, Dec 23, 2001 at 07:49:10PM +0100, Torsten Landschoff wrote:

On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 08:51:51AM -0600, Adam Heath wrote:

So you can never have two packages that depend on each other?


Isn't there this loop break hack in dpkg to allow for that? Not that
I would suggest having two packages depend on each other... :)

Actually a number of packages already have this.  For example, libfoo
depending on libfoo-runtime, while libfoo-runtime depends on libfoo.
Unfortunately I didn't have the tools to find an example with which
to prove Adam wrong, but I do remember a FAQ about such a situation,
where people were told to upgrade by installing both packages in one
dpkg invocation.  Apt also has an algorithm for breaking such cycles.

Here is my attempt at writing such a tool. Please try the attached python script as in

   python debdep.py --predep_cycles < /var/lib/dpkg/available > graph.dot

an read the output file or do

   dot -Tps graph.dot > graph.ps

dot is part of the graphviz package.

I started a thread on the subject a few days ago, it is titled "Detecting dependency cycles [....]"

Feedback wanted. Hope this helps :-)

Nicolas Chauvat

#!/usr/bin/env python
# (c) 2001-2002 Nicolas Chauvat <nico@logilab.fr> - License is GPL

Script for Debian that loads the list of available packages, then perform
several checks on the package dependency graph :

 - detect dependency cycle

 Ex: A depends on B that depends on A (aka A --> B --> A)
 Ex: A --> B --> C --> A
 - detect conflict dependency problems

 Ex: A conflicts with B that depends on A (A **> B --> A)
 Ex: A **> B --> C --> A

Any idea of other patterns to look for ?

TODO : deal with version numbers, deal with alternatives.
import sys
import string
import getopt

# debian package description parser ###########################################

class ParseDebDescriptionFile :

    def parse(self,file,options={}) :
        Parse file and return a dict of result.

        options :
          desc     --> include a description of packages in result
                       (desc = version, priority and section)
          depend   --> include a graph of dependencies in result
          conflict --> include a graph of conflicts in result
          replace  --> include a graph of replacements in result
          provide  --> include a graph of provisions in result

        pkg = None
        result = {}
        for k in options.keys() :
            result[k] = {}
        for line in file.xreadlines() :
            line = string.strip(line)
            if not line :
                pkg = None

            elif line[:8] == 'Package:' :
                pkg = string.strip(line[9:])
                if options.has_key('desc') :
                    result['desc'][pkg] = {}

            elif line[:8] == 'Section:' and options.has_key('desc') :
                result['desc'][pkg]['section'] = string.strip(line[9:])
            elif line[:8] == 'Version:' and options.has_key('desc') :
                result['desc'][pkg]['version'] = string.strip(line[9:])

            elif line[:9] == 'Priority:' and options.has_key('desc') :
                result['desc'][pkg]['priority'] = string.strip(line[10:])

            elif line[:8] == 'Depends:' and options.has_key('depend') :
                result['depend'][pkg] = self.parse_list(line[9:])
            elif line[:12] == 'Pre-Depends:' and options.has_key('pre-dep') :
                result['pre-dep'][pkg] = self.parse_list(line[13:])

            elif line[:10] == 'Conflicts:' and options.has_key('conflict') :
                result['conflict'][pkg] = self.parse_list(line[11:])
            elif line[:9] == 'Replaces:' and options.has_key('replace') :
                result['replace'][pkg] = self.parse_list(line[10:])

            elif line[:9] == 'Provides:' and options.has_key('provide') :
                result['provide'][pkg] = self.parse_list(line[10:])

        return result

    def parse_list(self,line) :
        d = []
        for dep in string.split(line,',') :
            for dep in string.split(dep,' | ') :
                    d.append( string.strip(dep[:dep.index('(')]) )
                except ValueError :
        return d

# graph manipulation ##########################################################

def multiply(A,B) :
    Multiply matrix A by B.
    (Use optimisation as A and B are mostly filled with zeros !)
    result = {}
    for node, arcs_to in A.items() :
        d = {}
        for to in arcs_to :
            if B.has_key(to) :
                for n in B[to] :
                    d[n] = None
        if d :
            result[node] = d.keys()
    return result

def find_path(graph,start_node,end_node) :
    Find shortest path from start_node to end_node in given graph
    paths = [ [start_node] ]
    while paths:
        new_paths = []
        cycles = []
        for path in paths :
            if not graph.has_key(path[-1]) :
            for d in graph[path[-1]] :
                if not graph.has_key(d) : continue
                if d == end_node :
                    cycles.append( path + [d] )
                elif d not in path :
                    new_paths.append( path + [d] )
                else :
                    pass # let's break that fatal cycle attraction
        if cycles :
            return cycles
        else :
            paths = new_paths
    return []

def detect_cycles(g,graph,max_len) :
    Detect cycles in graph. Stop when reaching paths of length max_len
    cycles = []
    for p in range(max_len) :
        sys.stderr.write('POWER %i - %i nodes left\n'%(p,len(g)))
        g = multiply(g,graph)

        for node, arcs in g.items() :
            if node in arcs :
                sys.stderr.write('CYCLE of length %i for %s\n' %(p+2,node))
                cycles.append( (node,p) )
                del g[node]
        for node, arcs in g.items() :
            if not arcs :
                # dead end, remove to simplify
                del g[node]
            else :
                # remove cycle start points
                for arc in arcs[:] :
                    for node,p in cycles :
                        if arc == node :
        if len(g) == 0 : break
    return cycles

def focus_on(graph,all_desc,prio_or_sec,fokus) :
    r = {}
    for pkg,desc in all_desc.items() :
        if desc[prio_or_sec] == fokus :
            r[pkg] = {}
            if not graph.has_key(pkg) : continue #FIXME
            for arc in graph[pkg] :
                    if all_desc[arc][prio_or_sec] == fokus :
                        r[pkg][arc] = None
                    else :
                        to = '%s_%s' % (prio_or_sec,all_desc[arc][prio_or_sec])
                        r[pkg][to] = None
                except KeyError: pass # FIXME
    result = {}
    for k,i in r.items() :
        result[k] = i.keys()
    return result

def get_cycles_paths(graph,cycles) :
    paths = []
    for cycle in cycles :
        paths.extend( find_path(graph,cycle[0],cycle[0]) )
    return paths
def find_clusters(graph,cycles) :
    clusters = []
    for path in get_cycles_paths(graph,cycles) :
        path = path[:-1]
        m = path.index(min(path))
        path = path[m:]+path[:m]
        if not path in clusters :
    return clusters

# output functions ############################################################

def FT(s) :
    return string.replace(string.replace(s,'.','_'),'-','_')

def report_cycles(graph,cycles,output) :
    sys.stderr.write('reporting cycles...\n')
    output.write("digraph dependency_cycle {\n")
    for path in get_cycles_paths(graph,cycles) :
        output.write(string.join(map(lambda x: '"%s"'%x, path),' -> '))

def report_conflict_problem(c_graph,graph,cycles,output) :
    sys.stderr.write('reporting cycles...\n')
    output.write("*** CONFLICT DEPENDENCY CYCLES DETECTED ***\n")
    for cycle in cycles :
        for c in c_graph[cycle[0]] :
            for path in find_path(graph,c,cycle[0]) :
                output.write('%s **>' % cycle[0])
                output.write(string.join(path,' --> '))

def report_clusters(clusters,output) :
    sys.stderr.write('reporting clusters...\n')
    output.write("graph clusters {\n")
    for cluster in clusters :
        output.write(string.join(map(lambda x,f=FT: f(x),cluster),' -- '))

# main ########################################################################
def usage(lo) :
    print __doc__
    print "Options are ",lo

def main() :
    sys.stderr.write('WARNING: debdep.py is work in progress... bugs may bite!\n')
    # read options
        long_opt = ['help','max_path_len=','input=','output=','focus=',
        short_opt= 'hi:o:'
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_opt, long_opt)
    except getopt.GetoptError:

    input = sys.stdin
    output = sys.stdout
    todo = []
    max_path_len = 10
    focus = None
    for o, a in opts:
        if o in ("-h", "--help"):
        elif o in ("-i", "--input"):
            input = open(a)
        elif o in ("-o", "--output"):
            output = open(a,'w')
        elif o in ('--max_path_len',):
            max_path_len = int(a)
        elif o in ('--focus',):
            focus = string.split(focus,',')
        else :

    # main
    parse_options = {'desc':None,}
    if '--clusters' in todo :
        parse_options['depend'] = None
    elif '--predep_cycles' in todo :
        parse_options['pre-dep'] = None
        parse_options['depend'] = None
    elif '--dep_cycles' in todo :
        parse_options['depend'] = None
    elif '--conf_pb' in todo :
        parse_options['conflict'] = None
        parse_options['depend'] = None

    sys.stderr.write('reading graph...\n')
    packages = ParseDebDescriptionFile().parse(input,parse_options)

    if focus :
        graph = focus_on(graph,packages['desc'],focus[0],focus[1])

    if '--predep_cycles' in todo :
        sys.stderr.write('detecting pre-dependency cycles...\n')
        cycles = detect_cycles(packages['pre-dep'],
                               packages['depend'], max_path_len)
        if cycles :

    elif '--clusters' in todo :
        sys.stderr.write('detecting dependency cycles...\n')
        graph = packages['depend']
        cycles = detect_cycles(graph,graph, max_path_len)
        clusters = find_clusters(graph,cycles)
        if clusters :

    elif '--dep_cycles' in todo :
        sys.stderr.write('detecting dependency cycles...\n')
        graph = packages['depend']
        cycles = detect_cycles(graph,graph, max_path_len)
        if cycles :

    elif '--conf_pb' in todo :
        sys.stderr.write('detecting conflict problems...\n')
        cycles = detect_cycles(packages['conflict'],packages['depend'],
        if cycles :

if __name__ == '__main__' :

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