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Re: find installed testing/unstable packages in mixed potato/sid

Christoph Martin <martin@uni-mainz.de> writes:

> I just want to find out which packages have a higher version number
> than is in stable. That is, if the packages which come from testing
> have a new version in testing, but leaving all stable packages alone.

You can pin single packages so you use most of the packages from stable
but a couple of packages from testing:

xyzzy% cat /etc/apt/preferences
Package: sarien
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1000

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 990

So I'm using the sarien-package from unstable but all other packages
from testing. I'm not quite sure how depencies is handled.

Please don't reply to me directly. I'm actually reading the list.

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og svarer lidt undskyldende: "Nej, jeg bruger RedHat".
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