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Re: [logcheck] I hear you...

>>>>> "Henrique" == Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <hmh@debian.org> writes:

    >> >> Hey, I wonder if it's possible to just overload "echo"?'
    Henrique> [...]
    >> s/sick/slick/ ;-) What's the matter with that idea?  Why do you
    >> say I am a very sick person?  Can you elucidate?

    Henrique> It will break a lot of scripts in very unfunny
    Henrique> ways. Hint: people use echo | or echo > in shell scripts
    Henrique> sometimes...

 Hmmm. Yes, I see.  The echo replacement would have to be capable of
 detecting that, and there's not any way it can.

    Henrique> IF you are going to put some serious work in the area,
    Henrique> go read the LSB. They have the exit codes defined
    Henrique> already. Then read Debian policy, and update it to
    Henrique> conform to the LSB (mostly done already).  Then write
    Henrique> sample code and convert the worst scripts to it as a
    Henrique> proof that it really works :P THEN request that we
    Henrique> second and approve the policy change.

 Noted.  I'll put LSB up a notch in my reading list priorities.

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