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Re: Darwin Streaming Server

On 10/31/2001 08:31:50 AM Shaya Potter wrote:

>> license).  The logic presented here by others basically says, since my
>> license now discriminates among groups of people, even though no one has
>> less rights/more restrictions than they had in the originall license,
>> and some people have have even less restrictions (and perhaps more
>> rights), and therefore is DFSG non-free.

I'm sorry for quoting you out of context, and then publically making a very
nasty analogy, but it's the most "efficient" way to make the point.  I
don't know what they're teaching in school about recent history now-a-days
(is the 60's still recent history?), so I'll provide some background:

About 40 years ago, in the southern USA, it was considered very ironic that
in the land of the "free", dark skinned folks had to sit in the back of the
bus, and light skinned folks could sit anywhere, without restrictions,
usually in the front.  True, in the big picture, neither group had any less
travel rights because all the people shared the same bus, obviously the bus
is one piece so they all shared the buses travel route, they all shared the
lack of softness of the seats.

The whole point was that folks whose skin was darker than a certain shade
had certain strict but minor requirements, and folks with lighter skin
didn't have that minor restriction, even though everyone regardless of skin
shade shared a huge number of restrictions such as following the same bus
route, paying the same fare, waiting together at stop lights, etc.  Some
light skinned folks complained it's not so bad for those dark skinned
folks, because maybe the ventilation is better back there, and it's not
really a "restriction" against the dark skinned, it's really a "freedom"
for the light skinned folks to sit where they want, and where they sit is a
pretty minor issue compared to the overall freedom to travel or speak or
assemble or whatever, and of course other people discriminate so it must be
OK for them to do the same.  Well, obviously many people disagreed,
somewhat violently in some cases.

There was something of a civil war in the southern USA about 40 years ago,
that started because of this simple issue of one group having to do certain
things, while another group had somewhat fewer restrictions, while sitting
on a bus.

It's easy to see the same 60's hippy attitude against software
discrimination today, where it's considered evil to force one group of
human beings to do one thing, and not force another group to do it, just
because of the group or lifestyle they belong to.  I don't think you'll
start a war, but the same feelings are evoked.

The whole point of non-discrimination, is that everyone can use the
software (or the bus) the same as anyone else.

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