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Re: Darwin Streaming Server

Eric Van Buggenhaut <eric@andago.com> writes:

> You'd better ask on debian-legal@lists.d.o rather than raising or listening
> to hypotetical opinions.

Well, actually, unless those guys are passing it to real lawyers, the
bullshit there is just as thick.  But it's nice to have it contained,
so that those who don't want to, don't have to read it.

To quote Elaine Ashton in a message to the FSB mailing list:

        Also, I would strongly recommend seeking professional counsel
        since getting bad advice is almost worse then no advice at
        all. It's an issue where everyone has an opinion that they are
        willing to defend for 100 or so messages in a thread when most
        of the time it is a carnival of the misinformed. If it matters
        to you, get a lawyer as in life we seek lawyers for most all
        other contractual endeavours and why software people like to
        think that this is optional in licensing is something I've not
        yet found an understanding.

That about sums it up,
David N. Welton
   Consulting: http://www.dedasys.com/
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   Apache Tcl: http://tcl.apache.org/
     Personal: http://www.efn.org/~davidw/

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