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Re: Installed sather 1.2.1-5 (i386 all source)

On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 06:23:45PM +0200, Eray Ozkural wrote:
> That is incorrect. You've done that NMU in an improper way.

False.  It is acceptable to NMU without advance warning for build

But as I've already pointed out, you had 3 months of warning that you'd
better get your package straight.

> I had been trying to get my upload sponsored on #debian-devel. You
> must have overheard those conversations.

No, I didn't.

> You didn't contact me. You didn't send me a diff. You didn't tell me
> that you thought there were bugs that should have been fixed.

I would expect Debian package maintainers -- especially people who
claim to have to been doing that job for over a year -- to be capable of 
running lintian for themselves.

> Furthermore, I'd like to remind you that you told me this (which I 
> reconstruct from memory) on #debian-devel when I logged in the following day:
> <Overfiend> exa: You're fucked. There is another NMU in incoming.

I don't remember saying this, though I certainly may have said something

> So, it doesn't seem to me that you've done any of those NMU's in order to 
> improve debian either. Your sole purpose is to mess with me, and yes you've 
> been successful doing that. 

Utterly false.  You have a persecution complex.  The purpose of my NMU
was get the package properly cleaned up and increase the percentage of
buildable packages, especially on the IA64 architecture.

> > * I uploaded -4, which set the maintainer to Debian QA Group, for the
> >   reasons discussed in the changelog, re-intergrated the fixes you
> >   ignored from -2.3, and I acked the previous NMU's so that the bugs
> >   would be closed.
> See above. The reasons you indicate in the -4 changelog are false. That is 
> why that changelog entry will not be included.

Sorry, it's a matter of record that you did only one maintainer upload
in the first 14 months you maintained the package, while 2 NMU's
happened that fixed release-critical bugs.  Also, it is a matter of
record that you did not properly ack those NMU's.  Maybe you want to
censor that changelog entry because you are ashamed of the truths it
brings to light?

> > * You uploaded -5.
> Which included your changes from -2.3.

Pointless, since they were already included in -4.

G. Branden Robinson                |
Debian GNU/Linux                   |           If existence exists,
branden@debian.org                 |           why create a creator?
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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