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Re: [iana-pen@iana.org: RE: Application for Enterprise-number (9586)]

# Under the Debian LDAP number let's assign number 100 onwards to Debian 
related# projects.
# 100 is for scalemail which makes scalemail LDAP be
# 101 is for sourceforge which makes sourceforge LDAP be

The above is from my latest OSI draft.  Please start using as you see fit.  However please note the usual 
limitations on how to do these things, use a part of your number range for 
experiments and renumber objects from experimental range to real numbers 
after they are finalised.  Don't put the experimental numbers in any packages 
that you upload to Debian (put them in experimental packages on your personal 
web site).  If you have any questions ask me or Wichert for guidance, if we 
are unable to answer (or don't respond in time) then the OpenLDAP mailing 
list is probably a good place to ask.

> > Anyway please clarify whether you want only LDAP or a range that can
> > be used for SNMP as well (any range can be used for either but I
> > would like to try and keep things tidy).
>   LDAP only.  Even if I don't want to rule out future options, I don't
> see how Sourceforge would be able to help SNMP in the foreseeable
> future.

OK.  I've attached my latest draft with your number.

>   In case it helps you, here's the schema I have now (obviously, the
>* part will be replaced with an official ID if/when I have
> one).

I'll put in my comments.

> | attributetype ( NAME 'x-cvsShell'
> | 	  DESC 'The path to the CVS login shell'
> | 	  EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match

Firstly it is recommended that each project that has it's own attributes and 
objectClasses use it's own name prefix to avoid naming clashes.  I don't 
think that "x-" is destined to be unique and I think that many of your 
attributes are things that other projects may allocate.  I suggest 
"sfgCvsShell" for this one and prefixing all attributes with "sfg".

> | attributetype ( NAME 'x-forward-email'
> | 	  DESC 'The address to which email is forwarded'
> | 	  EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
> |
> | attributetype ( NAME 'listPostAddress'
> | 	  DESC 'The address of the mailing-list'
> | 	  EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match

I think it would be good to have some of these in the standard Debian schema 
so that anyone who needs such features can get them without including the 
sourceforge schema.  I am thinking of "debForwardEmail" and 
"debListPostAddress".  Of course this doesn't stop you from having 
"sclForwardEmail" etc, but I think it would be handy to not double up.

Generally for any attribute that isn't available in any standard schema and 
which has obvious practical uses you can send me the details and I'll make it 
a Debian standard attribute.

I am much more hesitant about adding Object Classes because it's much harder 
to get them right in a global sense.  Also for someone who is creating a 
schema for their own project or for private use it's much easier to create an 
object class

Also why have these be single-value?  Forwarding email to multiple 
destinations is often desirable and having a mailing list with multiple 
addresses is quite common.  Even if Sourceforge doesn't currently support 
such things it might be a good idea to allow it in the schema (once the 
schema is set you would have to use a different attribute if you later need 
multiple values).

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# under iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprise ( we have Debian
# (9586) giving us the prefix of
# under the base OID I have decided to use 2 for LDAP (leaving 1 for SNMP),
# then under that 1 is for attributes and 2 is for objectClass's.  This is
# arbitary but copies some sample schema from the OpenLDAP documentation
# under the Debian OID let's delegate .1000 onwards to other open source
# projects
# Currently is for LVM.

# Under the Debian LDAP number let's assign number 100 onwards to Debian related
# projects.
# 100 is for scalemail which makes scalemail LDAP be
# 101 is for sourceforge which makes sourceforge LDAP be

attributetype ( NAME 'debIpAllowedClients'
        DESC 'IP address or IP address range, either CIDR or range allowed to connect'
        EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
        SYNTAX{32} )
attributetype ( NAME 'debIpDeniedClients'
        DESC 'IP address or IP address range, either CIDR or range not allowed to connect'
        EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
        SYNTAX{32} )
attributetype (
        NAME ( 'debAllowedService' )
        DESC 'Service that this object allows access to, suggested values include "FTP", "SSH", "HTTP", or other names from /etc/services, or "ALL", or it can be classes of service EG "STAFF" to mean that the account works on staff machines'
        EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
        SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
        SYNTAX{256} )
attributetype (
        NAME ( 'debDeniedService' )
        DESC 'Service that this object denies access to, suggested values include "FTP", "SSH", "HTTP", or other names from /etc/services, or "ALL", or it can be classes of service EG "STAFF" to mean that the account is denied on staff machines'
        EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
        SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
        SYNTAX{256} )

objectclass (
        NAME 'debNetworkSecurity'
        DESC 'A security object to specify the access that a user has to network services, or the access that a server program provides to the world.'
        SUP top
        MAY ( debIpAllowedClients $ debIpDeniedClients $ debAllowedService $ debDeniedService ) )

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