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Re: ddtp: new notifications mails, opt-in or opt-out?

On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 03:29:25PM +0200, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> I see this as a pretty simple decision: a number of people complained
> (loudly) that they received unwanted and unsollicited email over
> which they had no control. In reaction to that there was a discussion
> and as a result of that those emails were turned off.

No. I don't stopped this in result of this.

The old opt-out was broken and I don't see this fact first. 

The problems with the qa group and the maintainers with 'daily new
packages' (like kernel-*) are the reason for the stopping. 

No consence or insights was the reason for this stop or the opt-in. 

I don't think this is 
 - no spam
 - no violating the DMUP
 - don't break some laws in some countries (maybe I can't drive to the
   USA in future?)

I start only the opt-in now, because of
 - the respect of your 'opt-in' boys
 - the promise on #debian-devel
and I love consence and rules.

I like the opt-out system. Maybe we need a GR, maybe we can opt-out
the few 'opt-in' boys and change the default.

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
Koeln ist wie Unix, Duesseldorf eher wie DOS.

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