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Re: default font resolution in X Windows

On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 11:08:48AM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> Matthias Berse <matthias.berse@ruhr-uni-bochum.de> wrote:
> > So why has this change made? Sorry if that's an faq. Maybe the answer
> > should be included in the note.
> I just wanted to start arguing that 100dpi matched the real
> resolution usually better than 75dpi, but it is the other way round.
> 15''CRT (~14'' viewable) : 10.866''x8.15''
>          @800x600 73.6 dpi. Imho unusable 1024*786 94.2dpi.
> 19''CRT: viewable size 36.5cm*27.4cm=14.37''*10.787''
>          @1024*786 71.3 dpi, 1152*864 80.2 dpi, 1280*960 89 dpi,
>          1600*1200 111 dpi.
> 15''TFT: 12''*9''
>          1024*786 85.3 dpi
>             cu andreas
meaning it should be changed back?! Anyway my main concern about the
font resolution is that many programs break, because they expect the
fonts being 75dpi. So either rvert to 75dpi per default, or one would
need to fix trillions of lines of code, make all those programs check
font resolution. Sure, the latter approach would be the correct long
term solution, but right now, the user is served much better with my
first proposal, IMHO.


+-------------created at Thu Sep 20 13:17:43 CEST 2001-----------------+
|    Matthias Berse                          Phone:+49-2323-42397      |
\____Bachstr.28  44625 Herne, Germany________eMail: berse@gmx.de_______/


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