Re: New update_excuses output
On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 01:05:31AM +1000, Steve Kowalik wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 15, 2001 at 01:53:03PM +0200, Paul Slootman uttered:
> > Would it be possible to also offer a compressed version of these files
> > (update_excuses.html, update_output.txt, etc)? Most browsers can handle
> > uncompressing these on the fly and it makes accessing these lists MUCH
> > faster. As a porter I often use update_excuses for tracking down
> > packages that are out of date (on alpha) for longer than normal (usually
> > indicating a problem that can't be handled by the build daemon), and
> > hence look at that list quite regularly.
> >
> That may also involve installing mod_gzip on ftp-master.
Downloading gzipped files that automatically ungzip on the client doesn't
require any module. If someone supplies a update-excuses.gz it will work
without any changes to apache.
The module would be required if you want to autonegotiate the compression on
the file.
Martijn van Oosterhout <>
> Magnetism, electricity and motion are like a three-for-two special offer:
> if you have two of them, the third one comes free.
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