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Re: gs in sid very outdated

Eduard Bloch wrote:
> #include <hallo.h>
> Rainer Dorsch wrote on Wed Aug 15, 2001 um 10:14:04AM:
> > I am wondering why ghostscript is so out of date in Debian. E.g. new hpinkjet
> > drivers are included in gs 6.51 and are supposed to be very useful with HP
> Probably many people are allready using CUPS and gimp-print drivers.
That doesn't cover all the bases: for example, if you have a recent
Epson, you may need the stp driver to fully access its features. 
Unstable's 5.50 doesn't have this driver built in.  But here:


is a 5.10 that *does*!  Seems to me it's keeping up with drivers, not gs
versions, that may be the real problem.

AFAIK, CUPS (which actually includes a modified gs) does not give you
everything that stp does, but only the stcolor driver capabilities.

I do understand that the maintainer would be hard-pressed to keep up
with every driver somebody puts on SourceForge, etc.  I just wanted to
clarify the need that some folks still have.

While I'm idly wishing, wouldn't it be neat if gs could be more
modular?  Then you could just get the drivers you needed, rather than
have to link this massive thing.

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