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Re: Outdated GNU config (config.{sub,guess}) and autotools-dev

On Mon, 23 Jul 2001, Steve Langasek wrote:

> > First you say there is no violation.  Then you say that one woul have to
> > proof that there is a violation.  Now you say that if one has proved that
> > there is a violation, the proof itself makes it possible to "retroactive"
> > comply with the license.  This may work for a school boys home page, but for
> > Debian it is not a good foundation to stay on.
> Nothing retroactive about it.  If such an archive exists and is accessible to
> the parties involved in the suit, it's possible to comply with the terms of
> the GPL, prior to any suit taking place.  If the archive does not exist, or is
> not accessible to the parties involved in the lawsuit, then it would not be
> possible to prove in a court of law that a violation took place.

This sounds like
  "I don't care whether I ciolate the license or not. there won't be a
  lawsuit and if there's one I hope they can't proof that I'm guilty."

Sorry, but we (Debian) were always proud of respecting the copyright of
programs even when it wasn't easy (e.g. KDE).

First, I do see a (very small) legal risk.  Imagine e.g. the case that
someone evil writes a program, someone packages this program for Debian,
and then the author starts a lawsuit because his copyright was violated.

Second (and more important) it would be very bad for the reputation of
Debian GNU/Linux if we would start to violate the copyright of some

> Steve Langasek



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