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Re: Gnus interface to Debian BTS

Andreas Fuchs <asf@void.at> writes:
asf> On 2001-07-06, Roland Mas <lolando@debian.org> wrote:
  DZM> I've written a Gnus interface to the Debian bug-tracking system
  DZM> using the Gnus nnweb package.
 RM> It shall most certainly have to enter the debbugs-el package,
 RM> which currently contains debian-bug.el (to submit a bug) and
 RM> gnus-BTS.el (to make bug numbers clickable (as links to the
 RM> appropriate BTS page)).
asf> Hmm, I think that I could well make gnus-BTS.el support nndebbugs. I'd
asf> only have to replace the function responsible for calling
asf> browse-url. I'll look into that. (-:

So, um, one of its shortcomings, it should be mentioned, it that it
doesn't support groups for a single bug.  'G w debbugs 94697' returns
nothing, not the single bug that should exist.  OTOH, the code that
turns a bug report into something Gnus IMHO is a little happier to
deal with than HTML doesn't have a whole lot in terms of nnweb
dependencies (though it does call mml-to-mime to get a MIME message;
what you get out is not necessarily viewable in anything beyond an
article buffer).

And it's not a Gnus backend in and of itself, it's a quick-and-dirty
extension to nnweb.  Also worth mentioning.  :-)

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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