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Gnus interface to Debian BTS

I've written a Gnus interface to the Debian bug-tracking system using
the Gnus nnweb package.  It's only been tested against reasonably
current alpha versions of Oort Gnus, but I'd expect it to work with
any version of Gnus 5.8.x.

Usage: download and install http://web.mit.edu/dmaze/elisp/debbugs.el.
Load it into Emacs (before or after starting Gnus, shouldn't matter).
>From the group buffer, type 'G w'; enter "debbugs" as the search
engine type, and a package name, maintainer email address, or
"from:submitter@address.com" as the search string.

Caveat: it will only display bugs once per Gnus session.  (Meaning
that, if you search for your own bugs twice, it will tell you the
second time that there are none; satisfying if dishonest.)  If you
know of a good workaround, please let me know.


David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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