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Re: potato -> woody upgrade not smooth...

>>>>> "Theodore" == Theodore Tso <tytso@mit.edu> writes:

    Theodore> On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 12:18:59AM +1000, Drew Parsons
    Theodore> wrote:
    >> On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 09:29:42AM -0400, Theodore Tso wrote:
    >> > 
    >> > What I'd *like* to be able to do is to issue a command which
    >> displays > all of the packages for which new packages are
    >> eligible.  Today, > "apt-get -u upgrade" does a nice job of
    >> that, modulo not dealing with > recommended packages.  I don't
    >> want to wade through pages and pages > of packages to find out
    >> what's going to be installed.
    >> cat >> /etc/apt/apt.conf APT::Get::Show-Upgraded "true";

    Theodore> Show-Upgraded merely avoids my needing to specify the -u
    Theodore> option to apt-get (which by now is a reflex).

    Theodore> What I was asking for was a way for apt-get to display a
    Theodore> list of packages which are recommended and/or suggested
    Theodore> by the upgraded packages, and then asking the user a
    Theodore> yes/no question if he/she would like to install all of
    Theodore> the suggested packages.  As far as I know, there's no
    Theodore> way to do that apt; the only way is to use the horror
    Theodore> which is dselect.

The Apt developers have I think rightly argued that this would be a
layering violation.  apt-get was never really intended as the primary
packaging tool that a lot of users would use.  The hope was that
people would use tools like aptitude or console-apt.

However people really seem to want a CLI tool.  It's not clear how to
deal with recommends well in a CLI.

If you have ideas on how to present the interface they would certainly be welcome.

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